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Image by Camila Levita


Our Story, Our Purpose

Our Story

In 1992 a small group of people were trying to find a solution to a problem. Dublin Elementary School needed a gymnasium/multi-purpose building. This project would cost $200,000.00. The students needed a facility to hold physical education classes, a stage and band room. The group approached The Bladen County Board of Education and The Bladen County Board of Commissioners seeking financial assistance. Both boards, after deliberations, set aside "Good Faith" money. As word spread of what was to be accomplished, the group decided to raise money themselves for this facility. But how?

Well, this is Dublin, Peanut Capital of North Carolina. Why not have a festival and name it, The Dublin Peanut Festival? The small group of people became the Dublin Peanut Festival Committee and September 18, 1993, the first festival was held. This committee was on a mission. The mission was to raise $30,000.00 to show they were serious about this facility. It took five years of sweat and anticipation but on May 17th, 1998, Dublin Elementary School was dedicated their gymnasium/multi-purpose building. We have used the "Peanut" proudly to accomplish our goals each year.

There is one goal for all of us. The goal is to make our community and local schools stronger. Here are just a few of the contributions we have given in the past: Bladen We Care Hospice $2,000.00, Bladen Habitat for Humanity $500.00, Heating Assistance For the Elderly $2,000.00, Peanut Festival Pageant Queen Scholarship $2,000.00, Bladen Community College $4,000.00 (1 Scholarship for $2,000.00 each) and Dublin Elementary School Teacher and Staff Appreciation Breakfast. Here’s some insight to other donations we have made: Dublin Elementary School Gymnasium/Multi-Purpose Building contents to include: Chairs, Sound System, Mats, 2 Volleyball Nets and Poles and Bleachers. For the school itself, Accelerator Reader Books, Leap Pad Computers, Dictionaries, Fence for the Pre-K Playground, Parking Lot Paving, Riding Mower and Library Books.. Other donations, 1999 Flood Victims, Dublin Boy Scout Troop, Bladen County Exceptional Children’s Pre-School Programs, Bladen Lakes Primary School Sound System, Dublin Ball Park Fence, Tar Heel Middle School Library Books, East and West Bladen High Schools, Dublin Fire Department and the list goes on and on. The Festival is committed to showing our attendees how important it is to come together as a team and produce results with the positive attitude that anything is possible as long as you work together. Our goal is to make our community and local schools stronger.

It’s a lot of hard work that takes 365 days a year to plan. We could not pull this off without our committee members. We are a team that has been together for years. It’s commitment that has kept us together. Then we have our volunteers that are here every year to lend a hand anyway they can. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! They may not be full time committee members anymore but on Festival Day they are here, ready to work. We can’t thank them enough because they give their time so unselfishly. It takes a lot of work and hard-working people to keep this Organization together. Through the years we have lost dedicated members, Murray Barnes, Ballard Carroll, Sr., Irene, Houston Brisson, Barbara Jean Rice,  Jane Starnes, and Wayne Dove.

So here we are, bigger than ever before. The festival now includes a Scholarship Pageant, Hot Dogs, Sausage Dogs, Bar-B-Que Sandwiches, Classic Car Show, Entertainment to include Bands and Solo Acts on Stage, Mechanical Rides, Contests, Craft and Food Vendors, Tee Shirt Sales and PEANUTS.


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